Fun & Adventure in Norfolk This Autumn


Bad news everyone! Summer is almost over! Fortunately, there is some good news and it's that it's now the best season of the year - autumn! Yes, that means pumpkin spice lattes, starting your Halloween prep, and kicking through red, orange, and yellow leaves. Just don't be fooled into thinking that just because it's autumn you can’t still travel and explore. Indeed, autumn is a wonderful time for travel, in particular in the picturesque, coral country of Norfolk. Read on to find out more. 

Walk amongst the leaves 

If it's the crunch, crunch, crunch of leaves underfoot that you are craving then Norfolk is the perfect travel destination for autumn. After all, Norfolk is a relatively flat county, with plenty of connected trails. 


Visit Sheringham Park, The Brecks, or Felbrigg to maximise your opportunity for full immersion in landscapes chock-a-block with warm autumn colours. 

It's not only the autumnal foliage that is worth looking out for on your walks in Norfolk either as there is plenty to see when it comes to wildlife as well. In particular, keep your eyes peeled for otters who will be hunting before the winter sets in and local deer herds that spend the autumn showing off their rutting prowess, intending to secure a mate! 


Pick a pumpkin 

Is there anything more autumnal than picking a pumpkin? Traditionally seen as a more American activity, the UK seems to have got on board with this autumn activity with 10 Places to Go Pumpkin Picking in Norfolk, alone. Not to mention the many more events that are scheduled all over the country! 

Indeed, choosing your own pumpkin is not only a fun seasonal activity, but it's often far cheaper with a better selection of pumpkins and gourds on offer than you will find in the shops. There also tends to be added activities to go along with the pumpkin picking such as spooky Halloween face painting, pumpkin carving classes, seasonal refreshments, and in some cases corn mazes! 

Head to the Beach 

There is nothing like spending time at the coast in the UK in the autumn. Of course, you can expect a bit of a breeze so it's well worth dressing up warm. Paddling in the ocean is probably out too, but that doesn't mean that you can take in all that wonderful fresh sea air and gaze out for miles on an unbroken horizon! 


Norfolk is the ideal spot for some autumn beach walks as well. This is because it boasts one of the best climates in the country, which means it won't be as chilly. Also, there are some truly spectacular beaches and coastal paths to explore such as Holkham Beach where you will find plenty of quaint beach huts. Alternatively, why not visit the beautiful Horsey Beach, a location that, in the later autumn season into winter, you might come across some basking seals. Just remember to treat yourself to a night hot cup of tea, or a pumpkin spice latte to warm you up when you're done!