The Capsule

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Healing & Happiness

Hello All!!! It’s been a while…..

I almost can’t believe that I’m writing this post…I mean i’m actually writing! Not organising, curating, editing, formatting or styling but writing...proper sentences with meaning and emotion. It’s been 18 whole months since I’ve had the time to actually sit down and write something that was personal and not just editorial. 18 months ago I was excited, full of plans for 2020, invigorated by the buzz of our first live fashion event, revelling in the success of our brand new podcast, hopeful that the huge leap of faith id taken to commit to a different side of my career was worth it, forecasting for the future.....and then the world stopped. Of course we had an idea it was coming, we’d seen the news of an unknown virus moving from China across the globe, forcing a series of cities into isolation but we didn’t really think it would get THAT bad we didn’t think it would actually happen to us....until it did. On March 23rd it was official, the UK lockdown began and little did we know that it would take 20 weeks before we even had a semblance of normality and that that normality would be deemed the ‘new normal’ and consist of compulsory face mask wearing, social distancing and repetitive hand sanitising. It almost feels like we’ve been part of a Truman show esque, binge worthy Netflix series. Season 1 was the panic ridden, fast moving action series, Season 2 the inventive, emotive story of hope and Season 3 the bitter, angsty politically driven story of loss and bewilderment. Season 4?…..the one where it’s past it’s sell by date…it’s become repetitive, it’s run it’s course and it’s time to move on! As we enter the last part of 2021 I think we can all say we’re exhausted by it and ready for much needed positivity as we head to wards 2022! 

If I look back at my personal experience of what will forever be known as ‘Lockdown’ it (like for many others) was filled with absolute highs (the never ending 2020 May sunshine, paddling pool days and movie nights) and excruciating lows (a socially distanced funeral, the juggle of homeschooling and crippling economic uncertainty) so much so that I felt as if I was suffering from some sort of burn out. Months later and after speaking with some amazing podcast and live guests I now know that what I was going through was a burnout…..pandemic fatigue! 

I feel like I’ve been chasing my tale for the last 18 months and have had to adapt to change like it’s become an Olympic sport! And I know I’m not alone….over this last 18 months through our social posts, Instagram lives and podcasts I know you’ve all been feeling it too, but hopefully just hopefully we might be returning to some kind of normality, albeit there’s now an energy supply crisis and apparently we might not get our Turkeys for Christmas, but still it’s a damn sight better than where we were this time last year!!

Anyway as we look towards a brighter 2022 I hope here at The Capsule we can bring you all of the inspiration you need to start taking better care of yourself and help you go into next year feeling confident, empowered, rested and most importantly well! 

My aim for this site has always been for it to be a place of respite….a place where you can look at lovely things, find important information, be treated to little luxuries and leave feeling inspired. It’s also hugely important for me that you know that each bit of this website is curated by me for you! Just as I would with my friends I want to be able to provide the answers to your troubling questions, to share my latest beauty finds that have really worked, to pick out clothes that will be a good investment over time so that you always have something to wear and to bring you conversations of inspiration so that you know you’re not alone in whatever it is you may be facing. I really wanted to try and take the hard work of scouring the internet away and put everything in one place….into a capsule…..and so even if you only visit us once or become a regular member of our growing community, I really hope that The Capsule leaves you feeling just that little bit more positive and most importantly happy.

I hope you enjoy this month’s Capsule content!

Much Love,

Natalie x

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