5 Reasons Why You Should Be Using a Tongue Scraper 

From fresher breath to a better sense of taste, tongue scraping should be an essential part of your daily routine!  Removing the tongue coating that builds up over time can prevent bad breath and eliminate toxins from the mouth than can breed bacteria causing infections and overall poor wellbeing. Mouthwash can be helpful for bad breath but mechanical cleaning is also needed for maximum results.

Dr Reena Wadia & Client

Dr Reena Wadia & Client

Thankfully acclaimed periodontist and gum specialist Dr Reena Wadia, founder of RW Perio, has launched an eco-friendly, plastic free Tongue Scraper that you can easily incorporate into your oral hygiene routine. Vital for fresher breath, a cleaner mouth and your overall wellbeing, she also gives her top 5 benefits of this daily practice.

Top 5 Reasons For Tongue Scraping

  1. Halitosis or bad breath can be defined as an offensive breath odour.The two biggest causes of oral malodour include tongue coating and gum disease. Tongue cleaning has an effect in reducing oral malodour caused by tongue coating. 

  2. The tongue is made up of lots of crypts, cracks and irregular surfaces so is an ideal site for the growth of bugs/bacteria. These bacteria can produce things which taste and smell foul.The tongue is like a carpet, it needs to be cleaned regularly!

  3. Improves your sense of taste. Research suggests that using a tongue scraper twice daily can improve your sense of taste. Your tongue may be able to better distinguish between bitter, sweet, salty, and sour sensations. 

  4. Improves the appearance of your tongue. Buildup of excess debris can cause your tongue to take on a white, coated appearance. Daily scraping can help remove this coating and prevent it from returning.

  5. Can be a part of your mindfulness routine at the start or end of your day –getting rid of the build up of toxins and stress of that day.


How to use:

  1. Open your mouth and stick our your tongue as far as you are able to. This as increase access to the tongue and ease of scraping. Avoid pointing your tongue as this decreases surface area and makes scraping less effective

  2. Grab the scraper and give it a rinse 

  3. Holding the handle of the tongue scraper, place it on the back part of your tongue, then begin scraper.

  4. Apply firm pressure to the tongue scraper and in one slow smooth motion, pull the scraper from the back of your tongue to the front. The edge of the scraper will remove any coating or residue.

  5. A maximum number of four to eight movements should be enough for the day

  6. Rinse the scraper after each stroke and clean it after use. This tongue scraper can be kept long term and should be periodically disinfected using boiling water. 

For more from RW Perio Please visit https://rwperio.com

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