A Beauty Editor’s Handbag Must Haves for Life Post Lockdown

As our lockdown begins to loosen and our way of life slowly gets back to some kind of normal, what products should we pack in our handbags before we leave the house to face the new world outside?


A reusable face mask: Medical opinion is still divided on the use of face masks. The masks used in hospitals are specially made to fit properly and protect those on the front line from the large viral load they are exposed to. However, some non-medical grade masks may be useful for the general public to wear in certain enclosed places, mainly as a means of lessening the spread of cough or sneeze droplets from the wearer. Most basic surgical masks or homemade cotton masks will not offer much help, largely due to the poor fit and lack of aerosol filtration. Many people catch Covid through touching the face, so wearing a mask may be helpful in reducing that compulsion. Washing hands with soap and water is still the best way to prevent the spread of the virus but a doctor friend of mine thought that these specially tailored masked looked rather impressive. They are made with a triple layered high-tech 100% cotton fabric that uses a special nanotech coating, creating a water-resistant layer that prevents droplets filtering both in and out of the mask. They are washable and reusable available in 3 sizes. www.masksuk.com £12.49 


A sachet or three of Altrient liposomal vitamin C: Vitamin C has been in the spotlight more than ever during the past couple of months as the world looks for extra immune support. Not all vitamin C supplements are created equal, it can be hard to absorb in regular forms and is often full of unnecessary additives. Altrient liposomal vitamin C, is the world’s first liposomal vitamin C, uses a patented process to encapsulate high quality vitamin C in microscopic bubbles (liposomes) that protect the vitamin C molecules from being destroyed by the digestive system. These liposomes smoothly transport vitamin C into the blood stream and to the cells where this vital defence nutrient is needed most. Altrient sachets are easy to carry around with you and take on the go with a little water. Altrient C contains no sugars, glycerine, sucrose, sweeteners or any other unnecessary additives, it is pure, potent and premium with dedicated fans including Bella Hadid, Gwyneth Paltrow, The Kardashians and Justin Bieber, who have all taken to social media in recent times to show their support for this brilliant product. www.abundanceandhealth.com Box of 30 1000mg sachets, £39.99

A bottle of Results RNA ACS 200 colloidal silver spray: Silver has long been used in the medical industry as an antibacterial agent and surface sanitiser. This little bottle of antimicrobial nano-particle silver spray can be spritzed anywhere, on any surface and on the face and hands to offer an extra level of defence. ACS 200 is the leading silver preparation available and the only one with stringent independent testing. www.abundanceandhealth.com 60ml £33.33


Alcohol swabs: It’s a good idea to carry around a few of these alcohol swabs to wipe down anything you want; your phone, computer, doorknobs, surfaces or objects you might be in contact with. There are many available from medical supply shops or you can get something a bit trendier like www.iwype.com £9, for 100 individually packed alcohol wipes.


A travel-size alcohol-based hand sanitiser: As it’s not easy to wash your hands on the go, having a good hand sanitiser close by is a good idea. Choose one with at least 70% alcohol and added moisturisers to prevent your skin from drying out too much. There are so many to choose from, I liked the look of this one which I have just ordered for my growing collectionwww.purdyandfigg.com Purdy & Fig Hand Sanitiser 50ml £5.99