Easy Ways To Protect Your Skin


Caring for your skin doesn’t have to be an endless struggle the way it is for many people. When you make the most of the strategies that are out there, you can make good progress very quickly indeed. We’re going to talk today about some of the overlooked ways in which you can take care of your skin. It’s not all about expensive products or elaborate routines, as the useful tips below will prove. Read on to find out more.

Moisturize Inside and Out

Moisturization is something that’s vital to the overall health of your skin in so many different ways. When you moisturize your skin, you keep it properly hydrated and you give your body what it needs. The same applies to hydrating yourself by drinking plenty of water each day. When you tick both of those boxes, you’ll be helping your skin on two different fronts.

Get plenty of vitamins and minerals through a healthy diet & take a daily multivitamin.

Get plenty of vitamins and minerals through a healthy diet & take a daily multivitamin.

Get the Right Vitamins Into Your Diet

Another thing you can do for your skin and its general health and condition is ensure you’re getting the right vitamins into your body. You can do this through your diet if you want to, but you can also take the time to find a good multivitamin that can help you improve your vitamin intake. Doing so will be healthy for you in a wide variety of ways, but it’ll also benefit your skin massively.

Heat and steam can help to open your pores so that your moisturiser and serums can work more efficiently.

Heat and steam can help to open your pores so that your moisturiser and serums can work more efficiently.

Use Warm Skin to Open Up Your Pores Before Cleansing

One trick that many people don’t know about when it comes to looking after their skin is using warm water to open their pores. So before you cleanse your skin, you should wash it with warm water. The heat will cause your skin’s pores to open up, meaning the cleansing process that you then carry out will have a greater impact.

Protect the Skin on Your Feet

One area of your body that often gets overlooked and neglected when it comes to your skin are your feet. But the skin on your feet is often the most damaged and abused skin you’ll find anywhere on your body, so it makes sense to look after it. With the help of products from companies like Bare Feet, you can treat cracks and keep the skin on your feet as moisturized and healthy as it can be.

Keep Your Hands Clean

Finally, you should keep your facial skin clean by keeping your hands clean. We all know we shouldn’t touch our faces for the good of our skin. But let’s face it; we all slip up on that from time to time. So take the extra time and make the effort to keep your hands clean, and you won’t have to worry so much….and for added moisture, prevent ageing and cracking with a rich hand cream. We love Neom’s Scent To Make You Happy Hand Balm £20.

Make sure you wash your hands frequently to avoid putting excess dirt on to your skirt.

Make sure you wash your hands frequently to avoid putting excess dirt on to your skirt.

NEOM Hand balm nourishes your hands and settles your mind.

NEOM Hand balm nourishes your hands and settles your mind.