4 Ways To Build Resilience This New Year

It would be nice if life was a never-ending series of good moments, during which everything was perfect at all times. But while there may be times when this is the case, if you go through life long enough, then eventually you’ll encounter difficult moments. While they’re far from ideal, there is some beauty in them: if something hurts, it’s because you care, and that’s much better than the opposite. The other thing to remember is that there are always things you can do that’ll help you to get through a difficult period. In this post we’ll look at some of the most effective methods at building up your resilience when facing challenging times. 

Protect Your Space

You only have so much energy. While there might be enough to go around when everything is running smoothly, if you’re going through a less than stellar period, then you’ll need to dedicate more time to yourself. But unless you actively put boundaries between you and other people, then you might not have that additional time. Of course, you’ll want to keep your closest people near to you, but the second- and third-tier friends? You might have to go dark for a while. They’ll understand, but in any case, it doesn’t matter if they don’t -- what matters is that you’re looking after yourself.

Run it Out

If you’ve been through a difficult period recently, you’ll probably remember that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. It’s just an ever-present feeling, when things aren’t going so well. While you can’t get rid of it entirely, you can temporarily wave goodbye to it by running it out. There are many benefits to running, including the obvious health benefits, but the real magic of running is that it gets rid of nervous energy and gives your brain endorphins. And both of those things will be extremely useful when things aren’t going so great.

Learn From Others

When we’re going through challenging moments, it’s normal to feel like we’re going through things alone. But that’s not the case -- whatever it is you’re experiencing, there’ll be people who have been there before. And they might just have words of wisdom or tools that help you move forward. You might know the obvious coping mechanisms, but what about the ones that are slightly different? You could learn about unusual crystals, for example, that you might want to add to your collection because they’re a source of strength. There’ll also be people who have written books, produced podcasts, and so forth about what you’re going through. Learn from them!

It Will Pass 

Finally, remember this -- whatever it is that you’re going through, it will pass. This can be hard to fully grasp if it’s the first time that you’ve been in the situation, but whether that’s the case or not, it’s still true. You might be going through a storm now, but eventually the skies will clear and you will find your smile again. Just keep on doing what you can, continue to put one foot in front of another, and eventually you’ll get there.

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#inconversation Series 5

This episode of ‘The Capsule in Conversation’ with is brought to by Harrogate Spring Water.

With Suzy Reading

Join Natalie in conversation with Psychologist & Author Suzy Reading as they break down the belief that self care is selfish. Discussing the principles of her books ‘The Self Care Revolution’ & ‘Self Care for Tough Times’ Suzy takes us through a variety of wellbeing practices and tips that you can incorporate into your everyday life that will help you feel centred and grounded. Giving her professional and personal insight she is on hand to let you know how you can best protect yourself during tough times and how anxiety can be managed with the right tool kit.